Information on practical operation

Dear patients,

in the last few weeks we all had to deal with the effects, constantly changing measures and finally also uncertainties that reached us in the course of the coronavirus crisis (Covid-19). The global pandemic is having a major impact on society, private life and companies.

We ensure radiological diagnostics for our patients
In these special times we would like to assure you that we do everything possible to maintain our daily operations for the performance of your examinations and for the benefit of your health. As part of the health system, we have created all the basic conditions to ensure the supply of radiological diagnostics for you even in this state of emergency.

We ensure the highest possible safety in our medical office
We are very proud of the energetic commitment of our medical office staff, who carry out all the necessary examinations for you as usual. Already during the appointment on the phone we ask if you suffer from cold symptoms. If you feel unwell, we ask you to postpone the appointment - as far as possible - in order to protect other patients and our staff.

If you have come from a risk area within the last 14 days or have had contact with a person with proof on Corona, we also ask you to refrain from a planned or agreed appointment. Instead, please call the Corona virus hotline in Berlin: (030) 9028-2828.

We would also like to ask you to bring your own pen to fill out the patient forms.

We make sure that only a few patients are in the waiting area at any one time. Our patient couches are extensively disinfected between examinations. In addition, all disinfection measures have again been considerably increased and we ask any accompanying persons to wait outside in this exceptional situation.

I am certain that only together can we counteract this crisis. You can be sure that we control the processes in day-to-day operations in accordance with the official measures every day and adapt and expand them as necessary. Our practice is continuously reviewing the current situation and aligning all measures with the recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute and the World Health Organization (WHO).

I am convinced that together we will master this situation. The best way to support us is to use our practice and services as usual for your investigations.

All the best and best wishes

Your Prof. Dr. med. Jürgen Mäurer